Sunday, January 27, 2008

kickin' it old school

I got a call from my friend Dustin this afternoon. He tells me he's looking to find some of the old computer games we used to play when we were kids.

In order to find them he literally googles, "i want to play a video game like monkey island 2."

I love Google. But I love the idea of finding these games even more. So of course I'm off to my computer two minutes after hanging up.

So, we finally track down some of our old favorite games. Classics like Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, King's Quest, Space Quest, Sherlock Holmes, et al. Essentially, if it was a Sierra or Lucas Arts adventure game, we were all about it.

As I write this the games are downloading. I can't wait. They don't make games like these anymore. I remember my dad getting mad at me when I installed Sherlock Holmes onto our new computer because it took up 30 megabytes of space on the hard drive. The equivalent of what would be a five minute video clip today was an entire game 15 years ago (and a great one, at that)! It took over ten floppy disks to install the game. CDs didn't exist yet.

Unfortunately, as the technology improved, the old adventure games of old went by the wayside. Will this be what it's like when I'm real old? Will I be telling my grandkids what the "good ol'" games were?

"When I was a boy we played games with stories! They made you think! You kids today...meh!"

That'd be sweet.

1 comment:

Dustin said...

Dude, I was so stoked when you found these games. It is totally true that they just don’t make games like they used to…ones with stories…ones where you had to think…speaking of great games, can you track down Leisure Suit Larry? I plan on wasting my entire weekend (minus the part where Brady and company destroys the G-Men) on Day of the Tentacle. Nice find.