Wednesday, January 16, 2008

built ford tough

I've been watching a ton of football over the last couple weekends. Most of the games have been real entertaining, and even though the Bears' season ended weeks ago, I still make a point to watch as many games as I can.

Maybe it's just me, but is anyone else irritated by the truck commercials that come on about twice every single commercial break in every NFL game?

I mean seriously, folks. They set up these elaborate testing sites that remind me of gigantic versions of the game "Mouse Trap." You remember "Mouse Trap." It was the game that you didn't actually play. You just set it up to let off the mechanism that closely resembled the gate outside Mikey's house in The Goonies.

Usually these commercials include one, some, or all of the following elements:

1) A train engine.

2) A large cliffside, usually in the desert, that the truck almost falls off (it never does).

3) Some kind of pulley mechanism carrying large construction beams that nearly crush the speeding truck.

4) Hardhats.

5) A large cargo of concrete that is dropped into the truckbed from a minimum of 100 feet above.

6) A John Mellencamp song that makes me ashamed of being both white and American.

But the scary part is that since there are about two truck commercials for every commercial break, there has to be a shit ton of people who are driving these things, and I'm willing to bet 90% of them don't work construction.

Now I get how Bush got elected.

1 comment:

evantonio said...

i will not sit back idly and let you disparage the Toyota Tundra. watch your back.