Tuesday, August 26, 2008

the best wedding present ever

I was married over the summer, and we were fortunate enough to get quite a few lovely wedding gifts from all of our friends and family. We now have enough bowls and platters to host a party every night for the next three months and never use any of them twice.

Storage of said bowls and platters is another issue unto itself.

However, best gift of them all goes to my brother-in-law's good friends, Jeff and Maureen: the egg mcmuffin maker.

I now have the ability to wake up in the morning, break an egg into a small four-inch pan, and turn it into a perfectly poached egg that would be suitable for a McDonald's commercial.

"Thank you" just isn't sufficient enough to express my gratitude.

Monday, August 25, 2008

who knew?

Little did I know how much joy a third lane can bring into my life!

The funny part is that it's going to be no better than it was before the construction, but after a full year of gridlock it sure feels sweet.