Tuesday, February 17, 2009

no sleep till...

Today a co-worker referred to me an article in last weekend's Wall Street Journal. It is about how music is used in torture. Not surprisingly, the government often uses heavy metal music, or at least what they call heavy metal music, to get terrorist suspects to confess to crimes. The music is constantly on repeat until they can't take it any more. Apparently people from the Middle East are more likely to buckle to heavy metal (they cited Nine Inch Nails in the article) because that style of music is so foreign to them that it causes them to buckle under the pressure.

Interestingly enough, Barney's "I Love You" theme song was also cited in the article.

It reminded me of my freshman year of college, when I was living in the dorms at Boston University. I had a real douche bag of a next door neighbor. We didn't like each other. I don't even remember why, but regardless my dorm experience was not a good one. I might be able to trace it back to one night in particular.

I was in for the night. It was a week night, and I had a test the next day. Douche-bag neighbor was not going to be in for the night. So he decides to leave his stereo on.


He put in a CD. Yeah, that's right - remember CDs?

Beastie Boys. License to Ill.

No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn.


All fucking night. He never came home.

It was one of the worst nights of my life. I even used to like the song, but I will never be able to hear it again without thinking of that night. Link






Wednesday, January 28, 2009

change is coming

It's been too long. I know this. You know this.

You see, I've been....eh, it's all excuses. Too lazy to blog, mostly.

I'm working on it.


In case you needed another excuse to drink the Obama Kool-Aid or anything, we're finally seeing some of this "change" coming our way!

My wife is from Connecticut. It's charming. Very quaint. Everything is very old, and usually on every building or signpost there's a landmark that says "This is the first place that _________."

But when it comes to snow and any bad weather they're really all just a big bunch of pussies.

This article from the Huffington Post points out that President Obama noticed the same thing about the D.C. school system.

After his daughters had their first Washington D.C. snow day, he says, "I'm saying that when it comes to the weather, folks in Washington don't seem to be able to handle things."

That's what I'm talking about, yo.