Thursday, February 28, 2008

hot zone

Ah, it's been a while. I've been laid out with the flu for the past week.

I haven't had the flu in a couple years, at least. Boy, did I forget how much it sucks.

My kidneys felt like they were the punching bags in a week-long Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kicking Camp. Everything just hurt. Fever. Sweats. Ugh.

Being a school teacher doesn't help anything, either. The job is hard enough as it is. The office is a virtual hot zone. An entire corner of the office was wiped out by the end of the week. One teacher was walking around disinfecting all of our desks at the end of each day. Coincidentally, one of the teachers I share a room with was out today.

My bad.

On a somewhat related note, Evil Prius made his untriumphant return this morning. He speeds past me a quarter-mile away from school and took (what I thought was) the last spot. Fortunately, there was one open spot, but that bastard knew what he was doing, and I plan to give him the flu before the week is out.

I just need to find out where his desk is...COUGHCOUGHCOUGHnon-turn-signal-using-piece-of...



Erin said...

No mention of the kind lady that nursed you back to health?..humph

evantonio said...

she sounds like a strumpet to me.