Wednesday, December 19, 2007

good vs. evil

I drive a silver Toyota Prius. I know, I know. Insert "tree-hugger" joke here.

All of that aside, there is a war going on. Not the one in Iraq, either.

I work at a large high school, and there are several parking lots around the building. The lot I like to park in is right next to my office, and it allows for a quick exit at the end of the day. It often saves me 15 minutes in my afternoon commute. The lot fills up quickly, and I usually arrive at school right as it's filling up.

Prior to this year, I've never had a hard time getting a space. All of that has changed since the arrival of Evil Prius.

On multiple occasions this year, there has been a Black Prius that has cut me off in the right hand lane to pull ahead of me moments before I arrive at work. Every time, he has taken the coveted last spot in Parking Lot A.

It happened again today. I had to turn the car around and head back to the main lot. It would inevitably add 15 minutes to my morning commute, and it will almost certainly make my afternoon commute that much longer. But that's not even the worst part.

As I'm pulling out of the lot, I swear I saw him smile at me.

It's so on.


evantonio said...

if that ain't grounds for buttering someone's car, i don't know what is.

Erin said...

ha ha I was just about to ask if I should butter it on my way out today

BWise said...

i think you people might be on to something...hmmm.