Tuesday, February 12, 2008

this blog is so ninja

I'm starting a world-wide campaign. Well, if not world-wide, at least an effort that will tranform the way all English-speaking territories communicate.

I am turning "ninja" into an adjective.

It began back in college as a joke amongst friends. But I was recently reminded of ninjas during a discussion with co-workers last week. I told them about my college friends, and after some convincing they warmed up to the idea.

I've created a group on Facebook.

Join the revolution.

If you don't have Facebook, tell your friends.

If you don't have friends - well, you're just not very ninja.


Erin said...

I think this effort is quite ninja of you

Dustin said...

A little search on Urban Dictionary brought this up...does it fit your quest?

An intense sexual position involving a man and a woman and a dildo, the way it is performed is
first, you turn off all the lighs in the room
second, you start banging the girl in the ass
third, you shove the dildo in her ass and pull out so she "does not know"
fourth, you jump to her side scream NINJA and punch her in the face.

Jenny:Damn, i got ninjad pretty hard last night.
Me: Yeah i fucking owned you

BWise said...


While this is an excellent use of the word ninja, I'm afraid it is contrary to my effort to make ninja an adjective. In this case, ninja is being used as a verb, which is just silly. Humorous. But silly.