Tuesday, December 18, 2007

how i know i'm growing older

So I'm driving home from work today, and sports talk radio just isn't cutting it. The Bears were "officially" eliminated from playoff contention yesterday, so there was a whole lot of nothing to talk about on the AM dial.

So I flip over to FM, and I land on Q101 - the "alternative" station. Normally, I'm not a big fan, but today they're doing the 101 best songs from 1994.

I always thought it was odd how my parents could hear a song on the radio and tell me what year in high school it came out, or how they were able to connect the song to some specific memory, time, or place.

My ride home consisted of "Welcome to Paradise" (Green Day), "Dissident" (Pearl Jam), "Undone - The Sweater Song" (Weezer), and a bunch of other songs from my freshman year of high school.

I still remember playing air guitar with a baseball bat to Green Day in my bedroom.

I still remember riding with my dad to go to the record store to pick up Pearl Jam's "Vs." album.

I still secretly admit to really liking Weezer's "Blue Album."

Oh, and I knew it in 1994, and I still know it now: Oasis sucks balls.

1 comment:

Quan Solo said...

I can totally relate to this. When I used to listen to my favorite radio station back in high school, their 12-1 slot would consist of Retro Pop Hits from the 80s (Duran Duran, etc.) It was awesome. Listening recently, they are now playing Modern Rock Hits of the 90s including said Weezer, Green Day, Nirvana.

Another funny sign is that I bought the majority of my CDs during the mid 90s from Columbia House/BMG. I wish I had that cash instead of those Collective Soul, Cranberries, Gin Blossoms' albums.