Monday, March 17, 2008

no - it's a silent "K"

I'm often referred to as a grumpy, old Mr. Burns-type fellow. In some ways, those people are correct.

For example, from time to time I watch "Wheel of Fortune."

The category was "Place." Here's the puzzle.

C _ _ Y OF L_ _ HT.

The stupid whore on the show goes, "I'd like to solve the puzzle.

"City of Work!"

She must have thought it was a silent "HT" ending, or something.

Sometimes I wish I had Pat Sajak's job.


Dave W said...

Along with Jeopardy, the wife and I watch Wheel of Fortune daily. And there's a problem with your post.

First of all, the "L" in "Light" was not yet on the board when she called out her answer. Point the second, her answer was "City of Worth," not "City of Work." She's an idiot, but mostly for thinking City of Worth is anything.

I'd also like to point out that the woman who finally got the answer correct had no idea what the city of light was. Everyone knows it's Flint, Michigan.

And finally, you do NOT want Pat Sajak's job. The "about you" banter everyday makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry. Tears of blood.

Erin said...

I bet what happened is her report card was all F's but she made her teachers throw some D's on it

BWise said...

Whether or not there was an "L" on the board or not, she still said "City of Worth/Work"...whatever! Neither word ends with an "HT." She's still an idiot, which is EXACTLY why I wish I had Sajak's job.

Instead of, "Oooh, I'm sorry; that's incorrect..." I could say, "OH MY GOD! ARE YOU F@#$ING RETARDED? I MEAN OBVIOUSLY. CITY OF WORTH? WHAT THE F$%& DOES THAT MEAN? WHO PUT THIS WOMAN ON THE SHOW? YOU'RE FIRED! But hey, better luck next time. Joe, your turn to spin the wheel...big money, big money."

Tell me that wouldn't bring in a whole new audience. I dare you!

evantonio said...

it wouldn't. the fcc would fine the network such an obscene amount (multiple curses on day-time television?) that you'd be fired before the show even went to air.

and it's a good thing mr. weimer is here. otherwise, who would fact check you?

for shaaaame...